God is love. I John 4:8. That is why Jesus answered the lawyer’s question about which was the greatest commandment with “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37-40.
One of the ways the love of God is manifest in the Church relates to the gifts of the Spirit which are “given to every man to profit withal.” I Cor. 12:7. In other words, that which the Lord, by His Spirit, gives unto you, a believer, is for the benefit of others. That is why the Lord told His disciples, after they disputed amongst themselves who should be greatest that “whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.” Mark 10:44. You see, if you will serve all, then the Lord knows that if He gives you something then it will get to those who it is intended to bless.
With this in mind, I hope you will understand how central outreach is to the ministry the Lord has given to me. Without limitation, let me may out a few of the ways I believe the Lord would have me reach out, possibly to you.
Discipleship has always been critical to my walk in the Lord. Until his death on 01/04/17, I spoke with my discipler/teacher Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. for hours each week about most everything that was going on in my life. The process of bringing my works to the light (i.e. by sharing them with my discipler), was the principal means that the Lord used to show me whether my works were wrought in God or not; to provide me with the direction that I needed to stay on the straight and narrow way that leadeth to salvation; and to teach me know the Lord’s ways that I might walk in Him.
With Richard’s passing, I have taken over the headship of the ministry the Lord gave to him. My 26 year experience under his discipleship has prepared me well to do the same, as a disciple of Christ, as I did with Richard. In so doing, I am reminded of a truth, that Richard repeated often, namely that if you cannot serve one who you can see, you kid yourself to believe you are serving the Lord who you cannot see.
For years, I have also discipled others and watched them grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. If you are interested in entering into a discipleship relationship, please get in touch with me. I may not be able to personally disciple all, but I am confident that all who are interested in being discipled in the Lord can be accommodated through ministers that I personally know and trust in the Lord. [Click here to read the Discipleship teaching that we follow in The Fishermen Ministry]
While I want you to know that discipleship is open to all, I want lawyers and those who interact with the legal system regularly (i.e. judges, police officers, government employees) to know that I am familiar with many of the particular challenges that you face and would be pleased to help you navigate your way through them in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord and a blessing to those that you serve. Additionally, I extend the hand to ministers. As a minister, who not only operated under discipleship for more than twenty five years, but also has discipled other ministers for years, it is my experience that too few ministers partake of the blessing that discipleship in the Lord is to those who serve Him.
Annual Ministers Conference.
All believers are called to be ministers. Unfortunately, many churches have lost sight of this truth, focusing on filling the pews rather than training believers to take their place in the Body of Christ. The Fishermen Ministry’s annual ministers conference, held at Grace Ranch in October of each year, is the antidote to such thinking. There is no fee to attend and it is open to any sinner whose Saviour is Jesus Christ. I will be there. I hope you will too. If you wish to attend, please get in touch with me. [To listen to messages from past Ministers Conventions, click here { http://www.thefishermenministry.org/new-audio/ministers-convention/ }.]
Visiting your church or community. Just as Jesus and His disciples preached and taught in the local synagogues (the churches of His day) and out in the community, so it is my pleasure to do likewise. While I do not want to limit the Lord in the manners in which He may have me work with you, a few options for you to consider include:
Revivals. As I have described elsewhere, revival meetings tend to last a week or longer. They are intense events, supercharged by the power of God’s Holy Spirit, designed to bring new life to His people. There is no formula to a revival. Rather, God, who knows our hearts better than we do, moves by His Spirit, to minister to the needs of the hearts of His people, that they may be set free and equipped to serve Him. What that will look like in any particular situation will differ, but if you know that you, your fellowship and/or your community are missing something and you are willing to open wide to Him the doors to your heart that He may be free to minister to you, then a revival may be just the thing for you.
Seminars. Seminars are teaching events, generally organized around a particular topic. If there is something you have heard me preach or teach, know that I can probably organize a seminar around that topic for your particular group. A few seminars that I can do that may be peculiar to me include the following:
- Government in the Kingdom of God (i.e. His Body, which is the Church)
- Walking in the Spirit
- Biblical Timeline
- Science Falsely So-Called
- Organizing your Church in accordance with God’s Word
- Understanding the Three Seeds – the Elect seed of God, the seed of Perdition and the seed of Adam
- God’s Hand in History
Preaching. There is nothing like good old fashioned preaching under the anointing of the Holy Spirit of God. If you would like me to preach at your church, just let me know so we can discuss how to work out the logistics. I am pleased to do so in person, where possible, but have also been able to reach out to distant fellowships (including overseas) through the wonders of modern technology (e.g. via Skype).
Radio/TV. Over the years I have done thousands of hours of talk radio on both secular commercial and religious stations, often as the host, but also as a guest. I have also done various television programs. If you are interested in having me appear on your radio or TV station or show, including online broadcasts, please get in touch.
Print or Written Electronic Media. I have written considerably on a wide variety of subjects and also been the subject of interviews over the years. If you desire to make use of something I have written, interview me or have an idea for something that you think I might be able to help with or contribute to please get in touch.
Social Media. I must confess that I am a late entry into the social media realm. That being said, I recognize its potential and hope to make wise use of it to reach out to people in the Lord. Please check me out on Facebook and Twitter. Over time, I anticipate posting videos on Youtube and elsewhere. At present, the best way to know when I have posted a new sermon, published a new article or may be appearing somewhere near you or over a medium available to you is to subscribe to my Twitter Feed or Friend The Christian Lawyer on Facebook.